Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Application of Forensic Chemistry

            In recent events in the United States, more specifically Boston, there were three explosions that killed three and injured over a hundred. The explosions were caused by bombs inside duffel bags and placed around the finish line and by a local library. These bombs according to an online source, were homemade claymores that were crudely made but were sophisticated by the means of activation (Investigators 1). With forensic chemistry, we can identify what kind of bomb it is and reconstruct it and the impact it had. It is even more essential that I help my community understand the science behind incidents such as the Boston event because we may never know what and when it will happen again.
Forensic Chemistry
            Forensic chemistry is the application of chemistry in the pursuit of law, particularly in solving crimes. In the past I have written about chemistry and can be read more in depth here. With chemistry, one can determine identities via fingerprints, blood and the presence of drugs. There are many very specific forensic tests. For example, some tests can detect the presence of minute traces of gunpowder on clothes or skin (Forensic 1). Now instead of gunpowder, we can actually detect the debris coming out of the explosive around the scene or on people. The basic knowledge of forensic chemistry will help readers understand the full extent of the post.
Boston Marathon Event
            On April 16th, 2013, the Boston Marathon was interrupted by two bomb explosions after the winners crossed the line. The Boston Marathon is an annual marathon held on Patriots' Day - the oldest annual marathon - and all races and ethnics join in. According to "investigators", "the double bombing killed three people and injured 176 near the race finish line" (1). Currently, there is an investigation following a young man placing down a duffel bag near the second bombsite and dashing away. It is tragic that people would do such a thing, but with the application of science, we can bring those who do evil to justice.
Application of Forensic Chemistry
            To begin the forensic study of the area, there is a process that must be done before any scientists enter the area. The area must be deemed safe for anyone to come in, preventing anymore explosions with any hidden explosive yet to be triggered. Bombs in any case, have a similar protocol. After the explosion, scientists search for traces of debris and or explosive residue to reconstruct the bomb (Explosives 1). Scientists have discovered nails, brads within this crude homemade bomb incased by metal through screening tests and results from injured victims. These components have made the bomb more lethal. With the application chemistry to recreating the bomb, forensics can open more pathways for investigators to solving the case.
            Although forensic chemistry wasn't the only use in this crime, there were many uses of the science. Forensic chemistry is a vital part of the reconstruction of the scene and can help by fingerprints and analysis of the debris. The Boston Marathon is a multi ethnic event and this terrorist act is a threat to all, not just Americans. With forensics, we can hone down investigations and condense them to more specific searches to find the criminal at hand. Nonetheless, the impact forensic science has on any crime, not just the Boston Marathon, can help bring solace to the once tranquil world and imprison those who reap havoc.
Works Cited
"Explosives (historical cases)." World of Forensic Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Science In Context. Web. 17 Apr. 2013.
"Forensic Chemistry." World of Chemistry. Gale, 2006. Science In Context. Web. 17 Apr. 2013.
"Investigators 'zeroing in on Some People' in Boston Bombings, Officials Say." N.p., 16 Apr. 2013. Web. 17 Apr. 2013.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Forensic Chemistry

            Technology today is advancing which evolves every field of science and one particular field is Forensic Chemistry. Within each and every crime scene, there is a possibility for identification of fingerprints, blood, and or drugs. Forensic Chemistry is the application of chemistry to law enforcement. For example, one option to analyze a crime scene is to reveal what chemical changes occurred at the event to help investigators reconstruct the scene of the crime. This blog will be limited to three focuses in which I will examine the application of forensic chemistry to analyze fingerprints, blood, and drugs.
            One of the most well known examples of forensic chemistry is known as DNA fingerprinting. The topic overlaps one of my previous blogs called DNA Profiling and can be read for more depth. According to DNA fingerprinting, "Genetic fingerprinting allows for positive identification, not only of body remains, but also of suspects in custody" (1). It is accomplished by digesting the DNA from small samples of body tissue by using a series of enzymes known as restriction enzymes, also as seen in figure 1 below. Each individual has their own set of DNA and while they may be unique, they can be falsely matched to a wrongly accused individual. According to "Forensic Chemistry":
Because these digestions of DNA are particular to an individual, they are known as DNA fingerprints. Different combinations of enzymes produce different restriction patterns and the likelihood of a match between the test DNA and an individual differs. The reliability of each match is given as a statistical likelihood, because too few DNA fingerprint tests have been carried out to give the chances of a false match with certainty. Certain patterns are specific to ethnic groups. With most DNA fingerprint tests, the odds against a random match are several million to one. This is usually taken as a strong indicator that the person with DNA matching that from a crime scene is the culprit (Forensic 1).
This is one of the many uses of forensic chemistry at its finest.
Figure 1: Image of restriction enzymes and it combining into a new banding pattern (Restriction 1).
            One of the first few examples of forensic chemistry was the application of blood type tests to crime scenes and evidence. Unlike DNA fingerprinting, blood is a crude approach to making conclusions in crimes. They are used mainly for ruling out suspects. According to "Forensic Chemistry", "Differences in proteins allow blood to be classified into different categories. The simplest and most widely known is the blood group system where two different proteins, Type A and Type B, can be present in the blood. An individual may be type A, B, AB, or O (when neither protein is present)" (1). Blood is one of the earliest, yet weakest, forms of forensic chemistry in means of crimes and investigation.
            Through chemical tests, forensic scientists can identify the presence of drugs or poisons. According to "Forensic Chemistry", "These tests are basically a form of qualitative analysis, which determines the types but not the amounts of potential toxins that may be present" (1). Scientists can proceed to screening tests where they can identify the drugs. Forensic chemistry overlaps with the specialty of forensic toxicology and can be seen in a previous blog of mine with much more depth called Forensic Toxicology.
            Many subfields of forensic science intertwine with each other and can positively affect each other and help significantly. Forensic chemistry can be seen as a classification of techniques in the science. All of forensic science are geared to have the same goal, in which science is applied to investigate criminal law. The application of forensic chemistry in criminal law only strengthens the chances of succession during crimes through means of chemical analysis.
Works Cited
"DNA fingerprinting." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 4th ed. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Science In Context. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.
"Forensic Chemistry." World of Chemistry. Gale, 2006. Science In Context. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.
"Restriction Enzyme." Restriction Enzyme Action of EcoRI., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Analysis Paper Blog

Analysis Paper Blog
            To sum up my learning this semester, I would like to continue blogging about forensic science from the beginning to the end, more specifically for the topic of my analysis paper. There is a vast amount of depth in the field of forensic science, writing about it would my pleasure. The research I have done on the topic has been through the NOVA library online and a few reoccurring authors have helped me immensely. As blogging goes, the community so I have seen is large in numbers with constant ongoing new posts. My studies on forensic science has been intriguing and with the help of Lawrence Kobilinsky, the source "Forensic Science", and the community, I have felt comfortable about writing my upcoming Analysis Paper.
            Lawrence Kobilinsky has written the a book called: Forensic Science (Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement), it has enough information about the history of forensic science in which I have previously used in a blog. Kobilinsky is also a very famous forensic scientist analyst so I feel comfortable reading his information. Within his source Forensic Science, forensic science has developed into a large interdisciplinary field within the past century (Kobilinsky 193). The book summarizes forensic science in a nutshell and techniques, although lacking heavy analysis. I enjoyed using this source before and this author gives a great brief overview on forensic science and will fit perfect into my analysis paper.
            Another online source I came across was called Forensic Science, found on the Gale database, the editors Brenda Lerner and Lee Lerner helped me tremendously on multiple blogs of mine. The Lerners have written many different subdivisions of forensic science including and not limited to: forensic anthropology, dentistry, entomology, and toxicology. Forensic Science portrayed information on crime scene analysis, different methods, and techniques used by scientists in the field (Brenda Lerner and Lee Lerner 1). While reading about different sources from these two, I have seen very in depth analysis and relevant examples. After reading information from many of their sources, having these two in my Analysis Paper is a must.
            I have commented on many blogs throughout this semester and one specific blog has constant feedback and posts. Alicia Lusiardo from the University of Florida is the only forensic anthropologist in Uruguay. She has many blogs on different fields of forensic science and talks about new developments of techniques and has an effective community of forensic scientists and interested persons commenting on her blogs. Alicia has created a community for forensic science and in a way is a role model for me for my own posts and will be used in my Analysis Paper.
            The upcoming Analysis Paper will not be limited to these authors or sources but will be considered and will be enriched with many options to write about. Kobilinsky covers the history of forensic science while the Lerners have great summaries and analysis' of forensic science. Forensic science is a great topic to blog about because there are many different subfields of forensic science. The only downside to writing about forensic science is that it is very dry and bland to people not already interested in the science. Nonetheless, I feel that the authors and sources I have above will be more than suffice for my upcoming Analysis Paper.
Works Cited
"Forensic Science." World of Forensic Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. Detroit: Gale, 2011. Science In Context. Web. 3 Apr. 2013.
Kobilinsky, Lawrence. "Forensic Science." Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Ed. Larry E. Sullivan, et al. Vol. 1: State and Local. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Reference, 2005. 192-197. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 3 Apr. 2013.
Lusiardo, Alicia. "UF Forensic Science Blog – Author." UF Forensic Science Blog – Author. Blog, n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2013.